Dog Desexing 20% off
The desexing Campaign continues with a massive 20% off all dog and cat desexing for the months of July and August Please phone our clinic on 5529 0700 to make your booking
The desexing Campaign continues with a massive 20% off all dog and cat desexing for the months of July and August Please phone our clinic on 5529 0700 to make your booking
Queensland is going into lockdown at 6pm tonight, as an essential business, we remain open to see you and your pets.
It’s that time of year when we participate in the RSPCA desexing campaign and you can get a massive 20% off the basic price for desexing of you cat or dog in June – August.To take advantage of this offer, please phone the clinic @ 07 5529 0700
We are open Saturday May 1st 8am-1pm, Closed Monday and re-open on Tuesday 4th MayWe hope you enjoy your long weekend.